Angie&Jia Yi
Angie&Jia Ying
Angie&Jia Ying&Kai Lun
Jia Ying&Audrey
I went to Disneyland yesterday...........really fun......we went to watch 3d show.......I POST A ENTRY JUZ NOW........but i post not 15 NOV........IS 22 if u wanna c wat i post.........move downward to talk about the day i went to disneyland............(by:Wing Tung)
Ello! I m AnGie! Back 2 post again! I wanna noe who is my cher next year but Mrs Tan dun wanna tell us... I noe tt Mr Tay teach 6H next year but i dunnoe which cass Mrs Tan teach... I wanna her 2 teach mi next year, wat about u guys? Huh? Mr Tay surely teach mi science next year 1!:( I still hav 2 face tt idiotic Joanna in my class!?!:'( He is so gen pi cong n disgusting!!! Wish tt i will not c him again after next year...
Hi Sylvia, ermm... can u help us change e blogskins n blah blah blah?Cox no 1 can make things as beautiful as urs:D So pls help...Amanda can help out 2^^Thx alot if u all can help!By: AnGie:)
MeRi ChIrStMaS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Holidayz r comin' gurlz!!!wOw!!It's time 4 us 2 take a break!I tink it will be no fun w/o u gurlz...N we will hav not much things 2 do...It will be boring...SyLvIa n mi still hav 2 go 2 C.O. 4 8 dayz!?! From 8.30am 2 12 noon?!OMG!By: AnGie
Hello!!!WingTung is in Hong Kong now & having a good time dere!!!
I went to Disneyland yesterday!!!!!!!!Really Fun!!!!!!!!!!!!I go & watched 3d show..U noe,during de show,de Micky Mouse go & throw de cake on us,& got smell one.Like Real wan.....Jasmine,u can go & NJOY DE SHOW on july & njoy a magical day dere........